Alice A. Bailey on Homosexuality

By today’s standards Alice A. Bailey (AAB) and Djwhal Khul (DK) appear to have had very backward views on homosexuality – views you would expect more in the 1940s than the 21st century. You will see these views in both the writings solely attributed to AAB (The Unfinished Autobiography) and those attributed to DK (Esoteric Healing and Esoteric Astrology).

To be perfectly clear, I am not advocating these ideas as concretely expressed. I believe in presenting the evidence and letting you, the reader, reach your own conclusions as to whether these writings represent “ancient wisdom” or “ancient prejudices.” Some will see what is on the surface and some will look deeper.

Personally I lean more towards the interpretation of author and longtime AAB/DK student Joseph J. Dewey who has some interesting takes on this subject in the AAB/DK writings – see his quotes below (and follow the links for a fuller exposition):

“While society focuses on the disadvantage of the gays few realize that for every disadvantage there is an advantage. In the case of the gay, he is closer to the zero point in energy than the heterosexual. If he thus learns the right use of sex energy he will find consistent soul contact easier than the hetro who is distracted by the attraction of opposites. Of course, the powers of the soul are available to both sides of the equation. Both sides have their own peculiar problems in attaining them.” -Joseph J. Dewey, DK on Gays

“If the child was a different sex in the past life then the person will often be homosexual in the current life.” -Joseph J. Dewey, Keys Writings 2015, Part 11

“That said, you may ask if I agree with the teachings of DK on homosexuality. The answer is this. I agree with the underlying principles behind his words, but if I were to teach those same principles I would write them much differently, and some I have already written.”

“Several things he teaches do need some clarification. He calls homosexuality a perversion. This is indeed inflammatory language in our day and it also gives a wrong impression. The truth of the matter is there is perversion among both homosexuals and heterosexuals. Homosexual orientation is a natural occurrence caused by a shift in male/female energy which occurs as we move from live to life. Christian fundamentalists are wrong when they say it is a choice. Once a person is born in a certain energy flow, no choice can change it. He can only choose what he will do with the energy which is in circulation in his life.”

“Wrong use of the sexual energy, whether one be straight or gay, is where the “perversion” comes in. Perversion is a strong word in this age. It is better to say that wrong use of energy is merely a mistake that leads to less than a fullness of soul energy.” -Joseph J. Dewey, Gay Thoughts

It is also possible that God, the Hierarchy, Ascended Masters, or whatever you believe in, speaks to humanity at any given time in a way and vernacular that people of that time can understand and relate to. If a real DK exists and were to speak to us today he would probably use very different language attuned to how we understand the universe (which is vastly different than how people in the West understood these things in the first half of the 20th century  when AAB was writing).

Here are the quotes from the writings of Alice A. Bailey. Judge for yourself.

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Alice A. Bailey on Theosophy

Here are all of the references to Theosophy by Alice A. Bailey (AAB) in her voluminous writings and those given to her by Djwhal Khul (DK). Links on these pages of the Laws of Alice A. Bailey are to the online books at the Lucis Trust  website.

AAB was an early convert to Theosophy but then founded her own Arcane School. AAB claimed that “All the Theosophy that I knew had been taught me by personal friends and pupils of H.P.B.” – see full quote below.  “S. D.” in these quotes of course stands for The Secret Doctrine by Helena P. Blavatsky (HPB).

You might find Post-Enlightenment Mystics: Madame Blavatsky an interesting take on HPB. Also check out DID H. P. BLAVATSKY RETURN AS JOHN F. KENNEDY?’ by author Joseph J. Dewey where he comes to an amazing conclusion based on handwriting analysis.

Below are the quotes I found:

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The Planet Vulcan In Astrology

If you are not a Theosophist or a student of the writings of Alice A. Bailey you may not have ever heard of a planet called Vulcan. In the mid 19th century the existence of a planet inside Mercury’s orbit was put forward to explain some peculiarities in the orbit of Mercury.

Starting in 1840 astronomer Francois Arago and mathematician Urbain Le Verrier were trying to come up with a model of the orbit of Mercury based on Newton’s laws of motion and gravity. As it turned out there was a slight peculiarity in the orbit, something called perihelion precession that differed from the value predicted by Newton’s laws. Le Verrier proposed this could be explained by the presence of a small planet inside the orbit of Mercury. He named this planet Vulcan in 1859.

An amateur astronomer by the name of Edmond Modeste Lescarbault claimed to have actually observed Vulcan. Convinced by this Le Verrier in 1860 announced the discovery of the planet Vulcan at the Academie des Sciences in Paris. At this point it was a respectable scientific theory.

Helena P. Blavatsky mentions the planet Vulcan in 1888 explicitly  as “intra-mercurial”:

“… our modern astrologers are ignorant of these planets. One is an intra-mercurial planet, which is supposed to have been discovered, and named by anticipation Vulcan …”

Secret Doctrine Commentary (Transactions of the Blavatsky Lodge) by H. P. Blavatsky
Meeting 4 held at 17, Lansdowne Road, London, W., on January 31st, 1888; Mr. T. B. Harbottle in the chair.

Later Alice A. Bailey discovered the Theosophical Society and the work of Blavatsky somewhere around 1917 or 1918. Bailey started writing her own works in 1919 (to 1949). At my count she mentions the word “Vulcan” 133 times in her writings, most often in Esoteric Astrology (95 times by my count).  For example:

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