Alice A. Bailey On Albert Einstein

Alice A. Bailey mentions Albert Einstein in her writings a number of times and mentions “Einstein‘s newest theory of relativity.” 

  In the retrospect of history, the picture of the emerging prisoner, Man, can be seen in clear delineation. Little by little he has mastered the planetary boundaries; little by little, he has grown from the stage of cave man to that of a Shakespeare, a Newton, a Leonardo da Vinci, an Einstein, a St. Francis of Assisi, to a Christ and a Buddha. 

 ” In an article on Our Goal Is Unity in The Free World of October, 1944,… Albert Einstein regretfully took note of “an odious materialistic attitude toward life which leads to the predominance of an unrestrained selfishness. ” But how shall this materialism and selfishness of our culture be corrected. By geodesies in the space-time manifold of relativity theory. This would be cold comfort from a warm heart and Einstein does not offer this way out. Indeed, Einstein offers no clear solution. The simple truth is that the only counterweight to “materialism” is “idealism” and this must come out of the very heart of science, as an evolutionary development. 

  If each one of us would scientifically regard ourselves as centres of force, holding the matter of our bodies within our radius of control, and thus working through and in them, we should have a hypothesis whereby the entire cosmic scheme could be interpreted. If, as Einstein hints, our entire solar system is but a sphere, colouring is given to the deduction that it, in its turn, may be but a cosmic atom; thus we would have a place within a still larger scheme, and have a centre around which our system rotates, and in which it is as the electron to the atom. We have been told by astronomers that our entire system is probably revolving around a central point in the heavens. 

  Kilner with the human aura, which he has embodied in his book, The Human Atmosphere. Still further lines of investigation into the supernormal powers have been well summed up for us in a recent statement from an Australian periodical called The Federal Independent, and from which two paragraphs are here quoted: “New light on Christ’s walking on the waters was thrown recently by a scientist who has been making a special study of Einstein‘s newest theory of relativity. As a result of his investigations Professor H.  Continue reading “Alice A. Bailey On Albert Einstein”

Alice A. Bailey And Soul Contact

In her writings Alice A. Bailey (AAB) used the term “soul contact” 184 times and “contact with the soul” an additional 41 times. It appears to be a cornerstone concept in her writings. Some quotes:

Therefore seek the light of your own soul, and know that soul as your director. When soul contact is established, your own soul will … introduce you to your Master.

A Treatise on White Magic , THE AWAKENING OF THE CENTRES

 Meditation is so oft regarded as the means for establishing soul contact. People oft forget, however, that this contact is brought about very frequently by an inner reflective attitude of mind, by a life given to service and selflessness, and by a determination to discipline the lower nature so that it may become a true channel for the soul. 

 The quality and the major characteristic of the soul is light. Therefore, if that light is to be used and that quality expressed by the disciple and the worker, he must first of all achieve a recognised contact with the soul through meditation. 

 This astral body must be regarded by him as his response apparatus to the world of sensation and as the only instrument whereby his soul can contact that level of expression—temporary and non-lasting as it may be. The disciple must, therefore, establish contact with the soul and do this consciously and with the needed emphasis and so carry soul light to his own astral body, learn to focus it there in the solar plexus centre, and from that point of achievement proceed to work upon the astral plane at the arduous task of dispelling glamour. 

Glamour: A World Problem , SECTION TWO – THE CAUSES OF GLAMOUR – Part 2

An esoteric school is one in which the relation of the soul, the spiritual man, to the personality is taught. It is the major line of approach to the student, and soul contact becomes his first great endeavour. He comes to know himself and struggles to work as a conscious soul and not just as an active personality.

The Unfinished Autobiography , I. Some Definitions of Esotericism

Soul contact is subject addressed by a number of New Age writers and will be the subject of future posts.

You are welcome to post your comments and understanding of soul contact. 

Read more on Alice A. Bailey

What is Maya?

Maya is a word you will come across in studying many New Age writings including those of Helena p. Blavatsky (HPB), Alice A. Bailey (AAB), Joseph J. Dewey (JJD), and others. On the Theosophy Wiki it is described as:

Maya … is a Sanskrit word that in Indian religions has multiple meanings. Usually translated as “illusion” (from mā “not” and yā “this”), it points out the fact that we do not experience the reality but only a false image perceived by our minds, as when one pursues a mirage in the desert or mistakes a rope for a snake. 

HPB wrote in the Secret Doctrine about Maya:

The Universe is called, with everything in it, Maya, because all is temporary therein, from the ephemeral life of a fire-fly to that of the Sun. Compared to the eternal immutability of the One, and the changelessness of that Principle, the Universe, with its evanescent ever-changing forms, must be necessarily, in the mind of a philosopher, no better than a will-o’-the-wisp. Yet, the Universe is real enough to the conscious beings in it, which are as unreal as it is itself.  -.S.D. Vol 1, Page 274, HPB

Alice A. Bailey mentioned Maya over 200 times in her writings, two of which are:

The word Maya is one which has to be properly understood by you in order that you may catch the spirit of the ancient philosophy. The derivation that is given for the word is Ma + Ya or not that. Maya is therefore a power that makes a thing appear as what it is not, or a power of illusion that arises out of limitation in the ancient concept of a true unity periodically appearing as multiplicity by the power of Maya that coexists with that unity.  –A Treatise on Cosmic Fire , DIVISION C. SEVEN ESOTERIC STANZAS. – Part 8, AAB

But as the wheel turns and experience after experience is entered into, the desire nature reaches. Form consequently ceases, objective manifestation is no longer sought after, and liberation from maya or illusion takes place. -The Light Of The Soul , BOOK IV. – ILLUMINATION – Part 1, AAB

Joseph J. Dewey describes Maya as one of three deceptions:

The three deceptions are not that complicated. It is important, however, that you understand them well enough so you can explain them in your own words without quoting some other teaching.

The first is Maya and you must pass through this deception before you can go on to the second which is glamour. Then you must pass through glamour before you can unravel deception.

Continue reading “What is Maya?”