Below are all of the known references to the Law of Mutual Attraction in the writings of Alice A. Bailey (AAB) and Djwhal Khul (DK). Links on these pages of the Laws of Alice A. Bailey are to the online books at the Lucis Trust website.
For a discussion of what AAB means by a “law” please see Alice A. Bailey – What is a Law?
As earlier pointed out, each Heavenly Man is linked with one of His Brothers under the Law of Mutual Attraction, which manifests so degradingly as yet upon the physical plane, through the life of the human unit, imprisoned in physical form. Psychically the link is of a different nature, and such a link is found between the planetary Logos of the scheme we call Venus, and the Logos of our scheme. This psychic interaction has its cyclic ebb and flow, as ebbs and flows all life force. In Lemurian days came a period of close interaction which brought about an incarnation on the physical planet of the Logos of our scheme, the Head of the Hierarchy, and the One Initiator. This could not have been effected had not the planetary Logos of the Venus scheme been in a position to link up closely with ours.
A Treatise on Cosmic Fire , I. THE ORIGIN OF MANAS OR MIND – Part 1
As earlier pointed out, each Heavenly Man is linked with one of His Brothers under the Law of Mutual Attraction, which manifests so degradingly as yet upon the physical plane, through the life of the human unit, imprisoned in physical form. Psychically the link is of a different nature, and such a link is found between the planetary Logos of the scheme we call Venus, and the Logos of our scheme. This psychic interaction has its cyclic ebb and flow, as ebbs and flows all life force. In Lemurian days came a period of close interaction which brought about an incarnation on the physical planet of the Logos of our scheme, the Head of the Hierarchy, and the One Initiator. This could not have been effected had not the planetary Logos of the Venus scheme been in a position to link up closely with ours.” (C.F. 366-7.)
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