Below are all the known references to the Law of Rebirth in the writings of Alice A. Bailey (AAB) and Djwhal Khul (DK). Links on these pages of the Laws of Alice A. Bailey are to the online books at the Lucis Trust website.
For a discussion of what AAB means by a “law” please see Alice A. Bailey – What is a Law?
2. That manifestation is periodical and that the Law of Rebirth is the method that evolution takes in dealing with a man, a planetary Logos, and a solar Logos. Hence, the emphasis laid in the Proem of the Secret Doctrine on the three fundamentals, …
A Treatise on Cosmic Fire , INTRODUCTORY QUESTIONS – Part 1
The Law of Analogy always holds good. With this as a basis, the three laws of the personality become replete with life, and can be summed up in the well-known term, “The Law of Rebirth and Death in the three worlds. ” The fifth law governs a fixed point in the personality, that of the fifth principle.
A Treatise on Cosmic Fire , I. THOUGHT FORMS – Part 2
Responsibility to the community in which a man is placed will likewise be emphasised. Men will be taught the true esoteric meaning of citizenship—a citizenship based upon egoic group relations, the law of rebirth, and the real meaning of the law of karma. They will be taught national responsibility, and the place of the community within the nation, and of the nation within the comity of nations.
A Treatise on Cosmic Fire , 3. THE SOLAR ANGELS, THE AGNISHVATTAS. – Part 6
c. Remember also that the Law of Rebirth holds hidden the secret of the present crisis. Groups of egos come together to work out certain karma involved in past days.
They can only be safely used by advanced disciples and initiates. They are weapons and instruments of service to be then used in the three worlds by those who are still tied by the Law of Rebirth to those worlds. Those who have passed through the great Liberation and have “occultly crossed the bridge” have no need to employ the powers inherent in the lower sheaths.
A Treatise on White Magic , THE SOUL AND ITS THOUGHT-FORMS – Part 1
They sum up the history of the Creator and the life story and environing conditions of every human being. They account for all that is, and lie back of the law of rebirth. These potencies are driven into activity by the power of thought and hence, in training them to be creators and in teaching them to govern and control their own destinies, the Teachers of the race begin with the mind aspect of aspirants.
You will note here, consequently, the possibility that this group’s main initial work will be concerned with the problem of reincarnation. That problem deals with the taking of an outer garment or form under the Law of Rebirth.
Discipleship in the New Age, Vol. I , SECTION ONE – DISCIPLESHIP IN THE NEW AGE – Part 2
Modern ordinary astrology, with its prevision factor, its emphasis upon the nonessential points and upon the physical concerns of the incarnated soul, will be gradually superseded by the recognition of relationships, of life objectives, of basic character predispositions and of the soul purpose, and much will then become possible to the wise friend and guide of youth—which is what every educator should aim to be. Third: The admittance of the fact of the Law of Rebirth as a governing, natural process. This will serve as a determining factor in the racial life and will bring much light into the educational Field.
But the mass of the people in their untold millions are totally unaware of the situation, either in its economic or esoteric aspects. One of the tasks of the educator of the future will be to teach the meaning of the Law of Rebirth, and thus bring about such a profound change in the racial attitude to life and sex, to birth and parenthood, that sex rhythm, cyclic experience, psychological preparation and directed, controlled body-building may go forward and supersede the present methods, which are based upon an uncontrolled response to the sex urge and desire, and the unthinking procreation of children. The vast population of the world today is the result of an animal response to those urges and of the general promiscuity, which is perhaps the outstanding factor, esoterically speaking and from the standpoint of the Hierarchy, of the present world distress, economic difficulties and national aggressions.
Education in the New Age , CHAPTER IV – The Culture of the Individual – Part 2
This balance and this relation of the great opposites, spirit and matter, is symbolised for us in the personality situation of balancing the pairs of opposites on the astral plane, and finding between them the “narrow razor-edged path” which leads the man into the kingdom of the soul. As man passes around and around the zodiac in the ordinary manner, he continually and consciously enters into life in Cancer, the constellation under which the Law of Rebirth is applied and administered. But it is only on the reversed zodiac that the man learns to pass with equally conscious purpose through the gate of Capricorn.
Esoteric Astrology , 3. Spiritual Effects of the Zodiacal Constellations. – Part 4
” It is allied with material nature, and with the mother of forms, just as the other gate, Capricorn, is allied with spirit, the father of all that IS. In this sign lies hid the whole problem of the Law of Rebirth. Reincarnation is implicit in the manifested universe and is a basic and fundamental theme underlying systemic pulsation.
Let us now briefly consider for a few minutes the effect of the ray influences as they focus through the seven planets upon the man born in the sign Cancer. It is here that there will be found certain basic indications as to the nature and the processes of the Law of Rebirth. It would appear that as yet only two rules are posited in connection with the return of an ego to physical incarnation.
Groups of souls come into incarnation cyclically and together in order to further the Plan and permit that interplay to proceed between spirit and matter which makes manifestation possible and which extends the working out of the divine ideas as they exist in the Mind of God. When the Plan (as the Hierarchy understands it) is more familiar in its objectives and its mode of functioning upon the outer plane of life, we shall see a complete change in the presentation of the teaching concerning the Law of Rebirth. We shall see more clearly the existent synthesis of:
Esoteric Astrology , 3. Spiritual Effects of the Zodiacal Constellations. – Part 10
It is essential, for their right understanding that the astrologer knows whether the subject is relatively unevolved, whether he is an advanced man or whether he is upon one or other stages of the Path. There is so much to be reckoned with in the new esoteric astrology—prediction, interpretation from the standpoint of both the personality and the soul, character indications, as well as a close study of the Law of Rebirth as it can be arrived at through an understanding of the influences of Cancer. One thing which will later emerge, but which is at present impossible of elucidation, is the fact that the twelve Creative Hierarchies are all connected with one or other of the twelve signs of the zodiac and these all definitely affect the human family and the unit in that family also.
Esoteric Astrology , 3. Spiritual Effects of the Zodiacal Constellations. – Part 11
” Nevertheless, in the following pages we shall confine ourselves to the theme of the death of the physical body and of the subtler bodies in the three worlds; we shall deal also with the processes which bring about the reabsorption of the human soul into the spiritual soul upon its own plane, the higher mental plane; we shall consider the reassimilation of substance and the appropriation of matter in order again to reincarnate. We shall therefore consider the three major processes to which I earlier referred; these cover three periods and lead, eventually, to other processes under the Law of Rebirth. They are: …
Esoteric Healing , Part Two – The Basic Requirements for Healing – Part 1
Another point must also be considered. On the inner side, men know that the Law of Rebirth governs the experience-process of physical plane living, and they realise then that, prior to the elimination of the kamic, kama-manasic or manasic bodies, they are only passing through an interlude between incarnations and that they consequently face two great experiences: 1. A moment (long or short, according to the attained point in evolution) wherein contact will be made with the soul or with the solar angel.
Esoteric Healing , CHAPTER VI – The Art of Elimination
This has not been accomplished by the religious church groups throughout the world, but by members of the Ashrams. All that the churches have done is to preserve in the public mind the fact of God Transcendent, whilst ignoring the fact of God Immanent, to testify to the existence of the Christ whilst travestying His teaching, and to teach the fact of immortality, whilst ignoring the Law of Rebirth. Humanity is, therefore, progressing rapidly upon the Upward Way, and two things can be looked for as a consequence: first, that the imperfections and evil (one latent and the other active though retreating) will become increasingly apparent to intelligent man, and secondly, that the mode of their elimination will also become known.
Esoteric Healing , CHAPTER VIII – The Laws and Rules Enumerated and Applied – Part 5
Confound not evil with the activities of the gangster or the criminal. Criminals and gangsters are the result of the emerging massed imperfections: they are the victims of ignorance, mishandling when children and misunderstanding down the ages of right human relations; the Law of Rebirth will eventually lead them on the way to good. Those men are truly evil who seek to enforce a return to the bad old ways, who endeavour to keep their fellowmen in slavery of some kind or another, who block the expression of one or all of the Four Freedoms, who gain material riches at the expense of the exploited, or who seek to hold for themselves and for gain the produce of the earth, and thus make the cost of life’s necessities prohibitive to those not richly endowed.
Esoteric Healing , CHAPTER VIII – The Laws and Rules Enumerated and Applied – Part 6
This process they constantly enact and re-enact, repeating the drama of birth, death and resurrection. In this ray activity will be found the true significance of the Law of Rebirth, and it lies behind the process of incarnation and of reincarnation. Upon this I may not here dwell, beyond pointing out that men’s ideas and teaching anent reincarnation are as yet childish and inaccurate.
Esoteric Psychology – Volume I , 3. The Animal Kingdom – Part 1
Therefore, the first postulate which must be laid down, and to which the general public must be educated, is that all souls incarnate and re-incarnate under the Law of Rebirth. Hence each life is not only a recapitulation of life experience, but an assuming of ancient obligations, a recovery of old relations, an opportunity for the paying of old indebtedness, a chance to make restitution and progress, an awakening of deep-seated qualities, the recognition of old friends and enemies, the solution of revolting injustices, and the explanation of that which conditions the man and makes him what he is.
But platitudes are the universal and recognised truths, and a truth is a scientific pronouncement. The moulding of the life by these two recognitions (the Law of Rebirth and the Law of Love) would save humanity and rebuild our civilisation. They are probably too simple to evoke an interested recognition.
You can see, therefore, how the problem of sex will also yield to solution. An understanding of the Law of Rebirth, a good-will towards all men, working out as harmlessness, and a desire for group goodwill will gradually become determining factors in the racial consciousness, and our civilisation will adjust itself in time to these new conditions. The final postulate which I seek to emphasize is that the keeping of these three laws will lead necessarily to an urgent desire to keep the law of the land in which a particular soul has incarnated.
Esoteric Psychology – Volume I , 3. The Animal Kingdom – Part 3
From the standpoint of psychology, this means that the glandular equipment, the physical apparatus, and the response instrument become increasingly efficient, whilst an inner coordination and integration proceeds apace. The dilemma of the psychologist today is largely due to the fact that the law of rebirth is not yet recognised scientifically or among the intelligentsia. He is therefore faced with the problems of the inequalities in the physical equipment, everywhere prevalent.
Man’s origin and his goal remain largely unconsidered, and he is studied from the angle of this one short life, and from the point of view of his present equipment. Until he is integrated into time as well as into his environment and until the Law of Rebirth is admitted as the most likely hypothesis, there will be no real understanding of the process of evolution, of the relationships of individuals, and the nature of the unfoldment of the equipment. There will be no true wisdom.
3. The Law of Rebirth will be regarded as a law in nature, and place will be given in the thoughts of these four groups of human helpers, for a man’s past and his rapidly developing future. In this Treatise, we are considering those more advanced people who constitute the intelligentsia of the world, who are beginning to use the mind, who are upon the probationary path, or who are nearing the Path of Discipleship.
Esoteric Psychology – Volume II , I. The Appropriation of the Bodies – Part 3
I would like to stop here and point out that the foundation of the new psychology must inevitably be built upon the premise that this one life is not man’s sole opportunity in which to achieve integration and eventual perfection. The great Law of Rebirth must be accepted and it will then be found to be, in itself, a major releasing agent in any moment of crisis or any psychological problem case. The recognition of further opportunity and a lengthened sense of time are both quieting and helpful to many types of mind; its interpretative value will be found illuminating as the patient grasps the fact that behind him lie points of crisis wherein it can be demonstrated by his present equipment that he achieved integration, thus guaranteeing to him victory in his present point of crisis and of difficult conflict.
This will also greatly lessen the growing tendency towards suicide which humanity is showing. It will be apparent to you, therefore, that the time element can enter into the problem most helpfully and it is here that a real understanding of the Law of Rebirth, or of the Law of Opportunity (as I would prefer to call it) will be of definite usefulness. Above everything else, it will bring into the attitude of both psychologist and problem case, the idea of hope, the thought of fulfillment and of ultimate achievement.
Esoteric Psychology – Volume II , 3. Some Problems of Psychology – Part 2
The charge is often made that the “jargon” of occultism and its academic information is of no true importance where knowledge of the divine is concerned. It is claimed that it is not necessary to know about the planes and their various levels of consciousness, or about the Law of Rebirth and the Law of Attraction; it is an unnecessary tax upon the human mind to study the technical foundation for a belief in brotherhood, or to consider our distant origin and our possible future. It is nevertheless just possible that if the mystics down the ages had recognised these truths we might have had a better managed world.
Esoteric Psychology – Volume II , 3. Some Problems of Psychology – Part 5
This factor, though not unrecognised by modern psychology, is of far wider significance than has yet been realised. This instinctual tendency is the one that itself governs the Law of Rebirth. It is the expression of a still greater factor in the creative process.
Esoteric Psychology – Volume II , II. The Seven Laws of Soul or Group Life – Part 1
Until a man stands upon the Path of Perfection, he cannot really grasp the imperative demand of his own soul for release from the search for outer, material, tangible satisfaction, and from desire. It has been this demand which indicated the soul’s need to incarnate and to function, for a needed period, under the Law of Rebirth. As the work of purification proceeds upon the Path of Purification, this demand for release becomes stronger and clearer, and when the man steps out upon the Path of Discipleship, then the Law of Repulse can, for the first time, begin to control his reactions.
Esoteric Psychology – Volume II , II. The Seven Laws of Soul or Group Life – Part 3
The possibility is, therefore, to be noted that the main initial work will be concerned with the problem of reincarnation. That problem deals with the taking of an outer garment or form under the Law of Rebirth. Therefore, when these groups are organised, it will be with that subject that the members will at first work.
Therefore, when these groups are organised, it will be with that subject that the members will at first work. They will make a deeper and different study than has heretofore been undertaken on the Law of Rebirth.
Esoteric Psychology – Volume II , II. The Seven Laws of Soul or Group Life – Part 5
Second: This self utilizes the form of the human being as its instrument or means of expression, and through the sum total of the mental and emotional states will eventually manifest itself, utilizing the physical body as its functioning mechanism on the physical plane. Finally, the control of these means of expression is brought about under the Law of Rebirth. Through the evolutionary process (carried forward through many lives in a physical body) the self gradually builds a fit instrument through which to manifest, and learns to master it.
He said, “I am the light of the world,” and enjoined upon His disciples to “let your light shine that man may see. ” Thirdly: When the life of the soul, acting under the Law of Rebirth, has brought the personality to such a condition that it is an integrated and coordinated unit, then there is set up between the two a more intensive interaction. This interaction is brought about though the processes of self-discipline, an active will towards spiritual Being, unselfish service (for that is the mode in which the group-conscious soul manifests itself) and meditation.
From Intellect To Intuition , CHAPTER THREE – THE NATURE OF THE SOUL
This is to be expected if the evolutionary process means anything. The Western races must move forward into spiritual supremacy, without obliterating the Eastern contribution, and the functioning of the Law of Rebirth holds the clue to this and demonstrates this necessity. The tide of life moves from East to West as moves the sun, and those who in past centuries struck the note of Eastern mysticism must strike and are now striking the note of Western occultism.
Glamour: A World Problem , SECTION THREE – THE ENDING OF GLAMOUR – Part 1
The Fact of Immortality and Eternal Persistence The spirit in man is undying; it forever endures, progressing from point to point and stage to stage upon the Path of Evolution, unfolding steadily and sequentially the divine attributes and aspects. This truth involves necessarily the recognition of two great natural laws: the Law of Rebirth and the Law of Cause and Effect. The churches in the West have refused officially to recognize the Law of Rebirth and have thereby wandered into a theological impasse and into a cul-de-sac from which there is no possible exit.
This truth involves necessarily the recognition of two great natural laws: the Law of Rebirth and the Law of Cause and Effect. The churches in the West have refused officially to recognize the Law of Rebirth and have thereby wandered into a theological impasse and into a cul-de-sac from which there is no possible exit. The churches in the East have overemphasized these laws so that a negative, acquiescent attitude to life and its processes, based on continuously renewed opportunity, controls the people.
Paul phrases for us the ancient and true teaching of the Law of Cause and Effect called in the Orient, the Law of Karma. To that, he adds in another place the injunction to “work out your own salvation” and—as that contradicts the theological teaching and above all else is not possible to do in any one life—he implicitly endorses the Law of Rebirth, and makes the school of life a constantly recurring experience until man has fulfilled the command of the Christ (and this refers to every man) “Be ye, therefore, perfect, even as your Father in Heaven is perfect”. Through recognition of the results of action—good or bad—and through constant reliving upon the earth, man eventually attains “unto the measure of the stature of the fullness of the Christ”.
Problems Of Humanity , CHAPTER V – THE PROBLEM OF THE CHURCHES – Part 1
It is the unready who thus react, and this entails no possible reflection upon those thus distressed (and they are to be found today in all classes and nations). The Law of Rebirth will take care of this reaction, and in the next incarnation these same people will enter a physical body with a better equipment. In reality, it is this energy from Shamballa in its third and destructive aspect which is acting upon certain members of the human family and unfortunately evoking a ready response.
It is the presenting of the opportunity to change; this grows out of past activities, and these rightly met and correctly handled lay the foundation for future happiness and progress. The present situation is the fault of all peoples in all countries (particularly the more intelligent) and includes also the great neutrals if the Law of Rebirth and of joint responsibility means anything at all. Karma is not all that is bad and evil.
The Externalisation Of The Hierarchy , SECTION TWO – THE GENERAL WORLD PICTURE – Part 8
He strengthens the efforts of all those who work for the liberation of the submerged masses, provided their methods are constructive and not destructive, and that the gains desired are not furthered at the expense of any part of the human family. He labours not to exalt one section of the populace at the expense of another, but works towards brotherhood and the right understanding of the requirements of all souls, be they far advanced along the path, or just starting upon their planetary pilgrimage under the Law of Rebirth. One of the English Masters has in hand the definite guidance of the Anglo-Saxon peoples towards a joint destiny.
The man who forgets about himself, and who is more interested in helping unhappy human beings, but who is nevertheless staunchly convinced of the factor of the unseen worlds, is the man for whom search is at this time being made. When these men and women are found, the work of the discovering initiate is to see to it that information comes to the aspirant in some form or another anent the hierarchical Plan, concerning the reappearance of the Christ (under some name familiar to the aspirant’s religious background), and about the fundamental and needed occult truths—with particular emphasis upon the Law of Cause and Effect, and secondarily upon the Law of Rebirth. The Law of Cause and Effect is of far greater importance than the Law of Rebirth, because it necessitates action upon the part of the aspirant, and that action inevitably conditions the future.
When these men and women are found, the work of the discovering initiate is to see to it that information comes to the aspirant in some form or another anent the hierarchical Plan, concerning the reappearance of the Christ (under some name familiar to the aspirant’s religious background), and about the fundamental and needed occult truths—with particular emphasis upon the Law of Cause and Effect, and secondarily upon the Law of Rebirth. The Law of Cause and Effect is of far greater importance than the Law of Rebirth, because it necessitates action upon the part of the aspirant, and that action inevitably conditions the future. There is nothing he can do about the Law of Rebirth but submit to it and be grateful that opportunity continues to present itself.
The Law of Cause and Effect is of far greater importance than the Law of Rebirth, because it necessitates action upon the part of the aspirant, and that action inevitably conditions the future. There is nothing he can do about the Law of Rebirth but submit to it and be grateful that opportunity continues to present itself. As regards the many other adjustments which Members of the Hierarchy in all Their many differing grades will have to make in what might be called Their personality lives and habits, I have naught to say.
The Externalisation Of The Hierarchy , THE RETURN OF THE CHRIST – Part 5
I have said naught that is not true and I retract no single word which I have said. There are many who prefer the esoteric truths anent the antahkarana, the world constitution, the doctrine of man, the Law of Rebirth and the many intricate teachings related to world planning. These they have received in full measure from me.
Later I will try to explain the significance of the Great Invocation and to give you some idea of the nature of the Forces invoked and of the esoteric meaning which these words (used so frequently by you) are in tended to convey. The Cause of the Present Crisis It is well known to you that the great Law of Rebirth is the controlling and major law in all the processes of manifestation. It governs the exoteric expression of a solar Logos or of a human being, and the object of this constantly recurring process is to bring an increasingly perfect form to the expanding service of the soul.
The Externalisation Of The Hierarchy , SECTION TWO – THE GENERAL WORLD PICTURE – Part 2
To this truth, Christ Himself bore witness in the story of the Prodigal Son and his relationship to his elder brother, who had not left the Father’s home. It is obvious, is it not, from this parable, where the approbation of the Father lay; a careful study of this story and an intuitive understanding of its implications may evoke some day a response to the “sin of experience,” as it has been called, and a comprehension of the two major laws governing the process: the Law of Evolution and the Law of Rebirth. Here lies the prime initiating cause of what is taking place today.
The Externalisation Of The Hierarchy , SECTION TWO – THE GENERAL WORLD PICTURE – Part 3
39. When abstention from avarice is perfected, there comes an understanding of the law of rebirth. This sutra gives in unequivocal terms the great teaching that it is desire for form of some kind which brings the spirit into incarnation.
The Light Of The Soul , BOOK II – THE STEPS TO UNION – Part 3
Just as long as the consciousness of any entity (solar, planetary or human) is outward going towards objects of desire, towards sentient existence, towards individual experience, and towards the life of sensuous perception and enjoyment, just so long will the vehicles or organs be created whereby desire can be satisfied, materialized existence can be enjoyed, and objects perceived. This is the great illusion by which consciousness is glamoured, and as long as the glamour exerts any power, just so long will the Law of Rebirth bring the outward-going consciousness into manifestation upon the plane of materiality. It is the will-to-be and desire for existence that swings outward into the light both the cosmic Christ, functioning on the material plane through the medium of the solar system, and the individual Christ, functioning through the medium of the human form.
The Light Of The Soul , BOOK IV. – ILLUMINATION – Part 1
The occult student must remember that this process has gone on in the wheels and cycles preceding our planet Earth. The primeval Lords, or Sages, are those great Adepts Who—having “tasted experience” under the Law of Rebirth, were initiated into the mysteries by the one Initiator, the representative in our planet of the Oversoul. They in their turn became teachers and initiators into the mysteries.
The Light Of The Soul , BOOK I. – THE PROBLEM OF UNION – Part 2
39. When abstention from avarice is perfected, there comes an understanding of the law of rebirth. 40.
The Light Of The Soul , BOOK II – THE STEPS TO UNION – Part 1
CHAPTER FIVE THE TEACHINGS OF THE CHRIST The Establishing of Right Human Relations The Law of Rebirth Revelation of the Mystery of Initiation The Dispelling of Glamour It might be useful to make a few opening remarks upon the general subject of the teaching given (down the ages) by the Sons of God Who have come forth in the hour of humanity’s need, in order to present to the consciousness of the men of Their time certain required ideas and concepts of truth. When They come, Their aim is to meet the immediate need in such a fashion that the ideas presented may become ideals to which eventually the life of mankind would later conform and bring about a better civilisation.
II. Christ Will Teach the Law of Rebirth This Law is the major corollary of the Law of Evolution. It has never been grasped or properly understood in the West and, in the East, where it is acknowledged as a governing principle of life, it has not proved useful because it has been soporific in its effect, and a detriment to progress.
The Eastern student regards it as giving him plenty of time; this has negated the driving effort to achieve a goal. The average Christian confuses the Law of Rebirth with what he calls “the transmigration of souls” and frequently believes that the Law of Rebirth signifies the passing of human beings into the bodies of animals or of lower forms of life. Such is by no means the case.
Such is by no means the case. As the life of God progresses onwards through form after form, that life in the subhuman kingdoms of nature proceeds progressively from mineral forms into vegetable forms, and from these vegetable forms into animal forms; from the animal form stage, the life of God passes into the human kingdom, and becomes subject to the Law of Rebirth and not the law of Transmigration. To those who know something of the Law of Rebirth or of Reincarnation, the mistake seems ridiculous.
As the life of God progresses onwards through form after form, that life in the subhuman kingdoms of nature proceeds progressively from mineral forms into vegetable forms, and from these vegetable forms into animal forms; from the animal form stage, the life of God passes into the human kingdom, and becomes subject to the Law of Rebirth and not the law of Transmigration. To those who know something of the Law of Rebirth or of Reincarnation, the mistake seems ridiculous. The doctrine or theory of reincarnation strikes the orthodox Christian with horror; yet if one asks him the question which the disciples asked Christ about the blind man, “Master, did this man sin or his fathers that he was born blind.
The best that can be said is that they have familiarised the general public with the theory; had it, however, been more intelligently presented, it might have been more generally accepted in the West. If the goal of right human relations will be taught universally by the Christ, the emphasis of His teaching must be laid upon the Law of Rebirth. This is inevitably so, because in the recognition of this law will be found the solution of all the problems of humanity, and the answer to much of human questioning.
The teaching (hitherto given out on reincarnation) has done more harm than good. Only one factor remains of value: the existence of a Law of Rebirth is now discussed by many and accepted by thousands. Beyond the fact that there is such a law, we know little and those who know from experience the factual nature of this return reject earnestly the foolish and improbable details, given out as fact by the theosophical and occult bodies.
Only a few things can be said with accuracy about it and these few warrant no contradiction: 1. The Law of Rebirth is a great natural law upon our planet. 2.
7. The Law of Rebirth (as far as humanity is concerned) comes into activity upon the soul plane. Incarnation is motivated and directed from the soul level, upon the mental plane.
9. Progressive unfoldment, under the Law of Rebirth, is largely conditioned by the mental principle for “as a man thinketh in his heart, so is he. ” These few brief words need most careful consideration.
10. Under the Law of Rebirth, man slowly develops mind, then mind begins to control the feeling, emotional nature, and finally reveals the soul and its nature and environment to man. 11.
12. When—through a developed mentality, wisdom, practical service and understanding—a man has learnt to ask nothing for the separated self, he then renounces desire for life in the three worlds and is freed from the Law of Rebirth.
We shall know that all our difficulties and all our problems are caused by our failure to recognise this fundamental Law, with its responsibilities and obligations; we shall then gradually learn to govern our activities by its just and restraining power. The Law of Rebirth embodies the practical knowledge which men need today to conduct rightly and correctly their religious, political, economic, communal and private lives and thus establish right relations with the divine life in all forms. III.
The Reappearance Of The Christ , CHAPTER FIVE – THE TEACHINGS OF THE CHRIST – Part 1
The spirit in man is undying; it forever endures, progressing from point to point and stage to stage upon the Path of Evolution, unfolding steadily and sequentially the divine attributes and aspects. This truth involves necessarily the recognition of two great natural laws; the Law of Rebirth and the Law of Cause and Effect. The churches in the West have refused officially to recognise the Law of Rebirth and have thereby wandered into a theological impasse and into a cul-de-sac from which there is no possible exit.
This truth involves necessarily the recognition of two great natural laws; the Law of Rebirth and the Law of Cause and Effect. The churches in the West have refused officially to recognise the Law of Rebirth and have thereby wandered into a theological impasse and into a cul-de-sac from which there is no possible exit. The churches in the East have over-emphasised these laws so that a negative, acquiescent attitude to life and its processes, based on continuously renewed opportunity, controls the people.
Paul phrases for us the ancient and true teaching of the Law of Cause and Effect, called in the Orient the Law of Karma. The immortality of the human soul, and the innate ability of the spiritual, inner man to work out his own salvation under the Law of Rebirth, in response to the Law of Cause and Effect, are the underlying factors governing all human conduct and all human aspiration. These two laws no man can evade.
The Reappearance Of The Christ , CHAPTER SIX – THE NEW WORLD RELIGION
I have never altered in my affection for her and should she ever read this autobiography, I want her to know this. Fortunately, I believe in the great Law of Rebirth and she and I will some day work out, more satisfactorily, our definite relationship. I suppose one of the greatest drawbacks in the life of any child is having no real home.
The Unfinished Autobiography , CHAPTER I – Part 1
b. The Law of Rebirth.
The Unfinished Autobiography , III. The Truths Taught in the True Esoteric Schools
Upon these, the success of the work depends, both yours and ours. You are undertaking a task for which your life and all previous lives (if you accept the Law of Rebirth and of fresh opportunity) have prepared you. The enterprise upon which you are entering is a tremendous one; it involves a re-orientation of your life and life methods, in all probability; it means the learning of the rules which govern the transfer of your life effort out of the fourth or human kingdom into the fifth kingdom.
There are necessarily subsidiary factors and other presented teachings which the student is asked to study but which he again accepts or not as he likes. Such are the teaching on Reincarnation, governed by the Law of Rebirth, the cyclic nature of all manifestation, the nature and aim of the evolutionary process, the existence of the Spiritual Hierarchy, the existence of the Masters and Their work, and the nature of consciousness with its various stages of individualised consciousness, self consciousness and spiritual consciousness, demonstrating upon the Path of Evolution and culminating in the Path of Initiation. The great primary truths are presented for acceptance because they exist as the foundational truths of all the world religions and have evoked universal recognition; man instinctively knows them, either as working hypotheses which he feels have no sane opposition or as facts which he accepts owing to his point in evolution.
The Unfinished Autobiography , THE PRINCIPLES OF THE ARCANE SCHOOL
You are welcome to post your comments and understanding of this law.
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