Below are all of the known references to the Law of Magnetic Impulse in the writings of Alice A. Bailey (AAB) and Djwhal Khul (DK). Links on these pages of the Laws of Alice A. Bailey are to the online books at the Lucis Trust website.
For a discussion of what AAB means by a “law” please see Alice A. Bailey – What is a Law?
Law 2. The Law of Magnetic Impulse. The law governing the primary realisations by any atom of its environing contacts, and the going out, or feeling after, by that atom so that eventually a relation between that which is realised as part of the group and the unit is established.
A Treatise on Cosmic Fire , III. GROUP RELATIONS
It is a strenuous mental endeavour, and involves the working with certain laws of the spiritual realm which are only just in process of becoming known. There is a law called the Law of Magnetic Impulse or Polar Union which plays an active part here. This law governs the relation of the soul of a group to the soul of other groups.
The group stimulation and the united effort sweep the entire group to an intensity of realisation that would otherwise be impossible. Just as the Law of Attraction, working on the physical plane, brought them together as men and women into one group effort, so the Law of Magnetic Impulse can begin to control them when, again as a group and only as a group, they unitedly constitute themselves channels for service in pure self-forgetfulness. This thought embodies the opportunity immediately before all groups of aspirants and allied men of good will in the world today.
This effort could, and let us hope it will, mark the beginning of a new type of mediatory work,—a work carried forward this time by a salvaging group of Servers who are in training for the establishing of that group which will eventually save the world. This mediatory work involves the recognition of the Law of Magnetic Impulse, and with a desire to understand it, and to cooperate with Those Who wield it. Through its medium and the right understanding of the Law, it should be possible to establish the needed union between souls, who are in themselves the symbol of the Soul in all forms, and souls in prison.
If they can aspire, pray, meditate and serve, focussing in unison with all other servers at the time of the May full moon, the salvaging of humanity can go forward with much greater speed than heretofore, and the results will be appreciably apparent. For the individual disciple, the significance of this Law of Magnetic Impulse and the corresponding relationships in his own life, might also be tabulated:— 1. The world of souls on the higher mental levels.
Esoteric Psychology – Volume II , 2. The New Group of World Servers – Part 2
2. The Law of Magnetic Impulse No Exoteric Name Esoteric Name Symbol Ray Energy 2. The Law of Magnetic Impulse The Law of Polar Union.
The Law of Magnetic Impulse No Exoteric Name Esoteric Name Symbol Ray Energy 2. The Law of Magnetic Impulse The Law of Polar Union.
Esoteric Psychology – Volume II , II. The Seven Laws of Soul or Group Life – Part 1
I have expressed this phrase with care. This Law of Magnetic Impulse governs the relation, the interplay, the intercourse, and the interpenetration between the seven groups of souls on the higher levels of the mental plane which constitute the first of the major form differentiations. These we can only study intelligently from the angle of the seven ray groups, as they compose the spiritual aspect of the human family.
This law is of major importance because of the fact that Deity itself is on the second ray; because this is a second ray solar system, and therefore all rays and the varying states or groupings of consciousness, and all forms, in or out of physical manifestation, are coloured and dominated by this ray, and therefore again finally controlled by this law. The Law of Magnetic Impulse is in the soul realm what the Law of Attraction is in the world of phenomena. It is, in reality, the subjective aspect of that Law.
The group stimulation and the united effort sweep the entire group to an intensity of realisation that would otherwise be impossible. Just as the Law of Attraction, working on the physical plane, brought them together as men and women into one group effort, so the Law of Magnetic Impulse can begin to control them when, again as a group and only as a group, they unitedly constitute themselves channels for service in pure self-forgetfulness. This thought embodies the opportunity immediately before all groups of aspirants and allied men of good will in the world today.
This effort could mark (and let us hope it will) the beginning of a new type of mediatory work—a work carried forward by a salvaging group of servers, who are in training for the establishing of that group which will eventually save the world under the Law of Sacrifice. This mediatory work, however, involves the recognition of the Law of Magnetic Impulse, and a desire to understand it, and to cooperate with Those Who wield it. Through its medium and the right understanding of the Law, it should be possible to establish the needed union between the liberated souls (who are in themselves the symbol of the Soul in all forms) and the souls in prison.
If they can aspire, pray, meditate and serve, focussing always in unison with all other servers, the salvaging of humanity will go forward with much greater speed than heretofore, and to this call many will respond. For the individual disciple, the significance of this Law of Magnetic Impulse and the corresponding relationships in his own life might also be shown in tabulated form:— 1. The world of souls on the higher mental levels.
” The symbol is then completed, and the indication is that the disciple is now controlled by the subjective side of his nature. He is now governed by the Law of Magnetic Impulse (as the linking of the head centres demonstrates) and the two aspects of his nature, higher and lower, which constitute the two poles with which he is concerned, are now united. The polar union has been brought about.
The man with the water jar upon his head indicates to us poise, equilibrium and balance. For this balance, the understanding of the Law of Magnetic Impulse has prepared him. That is the Law of Polar Union and its symbol is the originator of the zodiacal sign for the constellation Libra—balance and service.
Esoteric Psychology – Volume II , II. The Seven Laws of Soul or Group Life – Part 2
2. The Law of Magnetic Impulse The Petals of Love. 3.
Spiritual Love. This Fifth Law comes via the love petals of the egoic lotus, and the subsidiary Law of Magnetic Impulse. 3.
Esoteric Psychology – Volume II , II. The Seven Laws of Soul or Group Life – Part 3
1. The five Commandments Second ray force The Law of Magnetic Impulse. The universal duty Inclusion.
Esoteric Psychology – Volume II , II. The Seven Laws of Soul or Group Life – Part 4
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