Law of Love

Law of Love

Below are all of the known references to the Law of Love  in the writings of Alice A. Bailey (AAB) and Djwhal Khul (DK). Links on these pages of the Laws of Alice A. Bailey are to the online books at the Lucis Trust website.

For a discussion of what AAB means by a “law” please see  Alice A. Bailey – What is a Law?

  On the second plane of the manifesting Triad, the Law of Magnetic Control—love. Again lower down on the second plane of the Personality, the Law of Love. The accuracy of the analogy is quite interesting, and provides room for speculation. 

  6. The Law of Love is the law of the astral plane. It aims at the transmutation of the desire nature, and links it up with the greater magnetism of the love aspect on the buddhic plane. 

  The lower is always controlled from above, and the effect the buddhic levels have on the three lower is paramount, though that is scarcely yet conceded by our thinkers. It is the Law of Love, in the three worlds, that holds all together, and that draws all upward. It is the demonstration, in the Triad, of the Law of Attraction. 

  2. The Law of Love. 3. 

  A subtle correspondence exists between the monads of Will on the fifth plane, the fifth law, and the fifth Ray. The second Ray or the Love-Wisdom aspect wields a control on the fourth and sixth planes, and dominates the Laws of Cohesion and Magnetic Control, and the astral Law of Love. There is a direct interlinking between the abstract Rays and the laws of the planes where they specially control. 

 ” The fifth law governs a fixed point in the personality, that of the fifth principle. The Law of Love in the astral body also has its points for consideration. There is a direct link between the astral body (love in the personality), the buddhic vehicle (love in the Triad), and the Monads of Love. 

  [clxxxiv]84 6. The Law of Love. —It is not easy, in this brief digest, to approach the tremendous problem of the place love plays in the evolving scheme of things as understood by three-dimensional man. 

  Love in the Personality is love in the three worlds; love in the Ego is love in the solar system, and all that it contains; whilst love in the Monad demonstrates a measure of cosmic love, and embraces much that is outside the solar system altogether. This term “The Law of Love,” is after all too generic a term to apply to one law governing one plane, but will have to suffice for the present, as it conveys the type of idea that is needed, to our minds. The Law of Love is in reality but the law of the system in demonstration on all the planes. 

  This term “The Law of Love,” is after all too generic a term to apply to one law governing one plane, but will have to suffice for the present, as it conveys the type of idea that is needed, to our minds. The Law of Love is in reality but the law of the system in demonstration on all the planes. Love was the impelling motive for manifestation, and love it is that keeps all in ordered sequence; love bears all on the path of return to the Father’s bosom, and love eventually perfects all that is. 

  Ordered Activity is the foundation of this system of ordered Love, and leads to system three, wherein ordered Activity, with ordered Love for its impulse, results in ordered loving Power. The sixth Ray of devotion and the sixth law of love have a close alliance, and on the sixth plane comes the powerful working out in the lower Triad, the Personality, of the Law of Love. On the astral plane, the home of the desires, originate those feelings which we call personal love; in the lowest type of human being this shows itself as animal passion; as evolution proceeds it shows itself as a gradual expansion of the love faculty, passing through the stages of love of mate, love of family, love of surrounding associates, to love of one’s entire environment; patriotism gives place later to love of humanity, often humanity as exemplified in one of the Great Ones. 

  The separative and maleficent thoughts of man are largely responsible for the savage nature of wild beasts, and the destructive quality of some of nature’s processes, including certain phenomena, such as plague and famine. It is of no value to man to know the names of some of the “army of the voice” unless he comprehends his relationship to that army, unless he apprehends the responsibility which is his to be a beneficent creator, working under the law of love, and not impelled to the creative act through selfish desire, or uncontrolled activity. b. 

  The Law of the Schools. (The Law of Love and Light. ) This is a mysterious term used to cover the law as it affects the expansions of consciousness which an initiate undergoes, and his ability to attract to himself through knowledge, a. 

  The methods hence necessarily differ. When holding to the basic principles, the wisest methods are silence and a joyful confidence that the Law works, an avoidance of all personality innuendo except wise and loving comment, and a determination to see all in the light of eternity and not of time, coupled with a constant endeavour to follow the law of love and see only the divine in your brothers, e’en if on an opposing side. In secondary principles, which all opposing forces are at present emphasizing, the use of the lower mind involves the danger of criticism, the employment of methods sanctioned by time in the three worlds—methods involving personal attack, invective and the expenditure of force along destructive lines, and a spirit contrary to the law of the plane of unity. 

  Only as the man transcends his active personal life and substitutes the life of love or wisdom as led by the ego can he begin to understand the scope of that life of love and know it as demonstrated power. Just as the personality deals with the principles governing the life of activity of the lower self, and the ego works with the law of love as demonstrated in group work, or love showing itself in the synthesis of the many into the few, so the Monad deals with the active life of love shown in power through the synthesis of the few into the one. One deals with the life of the man on the physical plane, or in the three worlds, the second with his life on causal levels, and the last with his life after the attainment of the goal of present human endeavour. 

  Potent are they on the physical plane, but their power is temporal and not eternal. The law of the universe, which is the law of love, is eternally against them, and out of the seeming evil good will come. 3. 

  Death is carried forward under this Law of Attraction, and consists in the steady and scientific abstraction of the vital body out of the dense physical body, leading eventually to an elimination of all soul contact in the three worlds. Sequence of Events at Death I feel that the best that I can do, in order to clarify this subject more completely, is to describe the sequence of events which happens at a death bed, reminding you that the points of final abstraction are three in number: the head for disciples and initiates and also for advanced mental types; the heart for aspirants, for men of goodwill, and for all those who have achieved a measure of personality integrity and are attempting to fulfill, as far as in them lies, the law of love; and the solar plexus for the undeveloped and emotionally polarised persons. All I can do is to tabulate the stages of the process, leaving you to accept them as an interesting and possible hypothesis awaiting verification; to believe them unquestioningly because you have confidence in my knowledge, or to reject them as fantastic, unverifiable and of no moment anyway. 

  1. The relation of the sexes and their approach to the marriage relation will be regarded as a part of the group life and as serving the group good; this will not be the result of laws regulating marriage, but a result of education in group relations, service and the law of love, as understood practically and not just sentimentally. Men and women will know themselves as cells in a vital organism, and their activities and outlook will be coloured by this realisation. 

  But platitudes are the universal and recognised truths, and a truth is a scientific pronouncement. The moulding of the life by these two recognitions (the Law of Rebirth and the Law of Love) would save humanity and rebuild our civilisation. They are probably too simple to evoke an interested recognition. 

  If England’s ideal of justice (which is the pattern of its personality ray) can be transformed and transmuted by her egoic ray of love into just and intelligent world service, she may give to the world the pattern of that true government which is the genius or the latent soul quality of the British. If the idealism of the United States of America, which is today its personality expression and evidenced by the loudly enunciated idea of the biggest and the best, can be illumined by the law of love, then the pattern which underlies the structure of the States may be seen in lines of light, and we shall have the pattern for future racial light in contradistinction to the many separative national lines. Thus the underlying patterns for all the nations can be seen and worked out by the intelligent reader. 

  Later this can be transmuted into intuitive perception. The soul pattern in the States today works out through the acquisitiveness of the nation and its love of possessions which it attracts to itself through the misuse of the law of love. The eventual expression of this will be the changing of the attitude which loves the material into that which loves the real, and the acquisition of the things of the spirit instead of those of the form. 

  The standardisation and regimentation of nations is but an aspect of this move towards synthesis, but one that is being misapplied and prematurely enforced. All moves towards national and world synthesis are good and right, but they must be consciously and willingly undertaken by intelligent men and women, and the methods employed to bring about this fusion must not infringe the law of love. The swing at this time towards religious unity is also a part of the emerging beauty, and though forms must disappear (because they are a source of separation) the inner, spiritual synthesis must be developed. 

  A close study of the above suggested phrases, showing as they do the wrong and the right major expressions of ray force, will aid the student correctly to comprehend his own ray nature, and also whereabouts he stands in his development. One of the major faults of disciples today is the paying of too close attention to the faults, errors and activities of other disciples, and too little attention to their own fulfillment of the law of love, and to their own dharma and work. A second failing of disciples (and particularly of the working and accepted disciples in the world at this present time) is incorrect speech conveying ambiguous meanings and motivated by criticism, or by an individual desire to shine. 

  They have to remove the whole theory from the realm of sentiment, of idealism, and of mystical aspiration and must bring the question, as a concrete demonstrated factor, before the public. They must place the emphasis upon the expression of good will and the fulfillment of the law of love and not upon affiliation with organisations, with their labels and their doctrines. The New Group of World Servers must keep itself free of all of these, for otherwise the work will crash upon the ancient rocks of doctrine and of organisation. 

  The members of the New Group of World Servers must be discovered through their reaction to these ideals; they must be trained in the new policies, and educated in the technique of right thought, non-aggressive action, and the elimination of antagonisms of every kind; they must be taught the manner by which these basic ideals of world unity, economic synthesis and religious cooperation are to be expressed and attained. The law of Love, expressed intelligently, must be applied to all human relationships. This work of educating the men and women of good will in the world must be proceeded with as rapidly as possible. 

  This must not be forgotten. Mistakes in techniques have necessarily been made, and oft the law of love has been infringed. Sometimes, however, the love of the form aspect of consciousness has been interpreted as synchronous and similar to the law of love by critics of the methods employed. 

  Mistakes in techniques have necessarily been made, and oft the law of love has been infringed. Sometimes, however, the love of the form aspect of consciousness has been interpreted as synchronous and similar to the law of love by critics of the methods employed. This is understandable. 

 ” 4. It is, nevertheless, an aspect of the Law of Love, of the Vishnu or Christ aspect, and concerns an attitude of the soul, whose essential nature is love. 5. 

  This is the thought which lies behind the Masonic procedure whereby the Tyler stands outside the door of the Lodge with a drawn sword to protect the secrets of the Craft from the unready. I would remind you also that as this law is an aspect of the fundamental Law of Love, it concerns the psyche or soul, and therefore its function is to further the spiritual interests of the true man, and to demonstrate the power of the second aspect, the Christ consciousness, and the power of divinity. It “rejects the undesirable in order to find that which the heart craves, and thus leads the weary pilgrim from one rejection to another, until with unerring choice he makes the Great Decision. 

  6. The Law of Love, whereby the lower desire nature is transmuted. 7. 

  When we are separative in our attitudes or do anything which produces separation, we are transgressing a fundamental law of God. What we are really doing is breaking the Law of Love, which knows no separation, but sees only unity and synthesis, brotherhood and interrelation everywhere. Herein lies our major problem. 

  In the early stages of his development he places his love in the wrong direction, and turning his back on the love of God, which is of the very nature of his own soul, he loves that which is connected with the form side of life, and not with the life side of form. Sin is therefore a definite infringement of the Law of Love, as we show it in our relation with God or with our brother, a son of God. It is the doing of those things from purely selfish interest which brings suffering to those we have in our immediate surroundings, or to the group with which we may be affiliated—a family group, a social group, a business group, or just the group of human beings with whom our general destiny casts us. 

  It is the realisation of the fact of the presence of God in the human heart which is the basis of the mystical vision, while the knowledge that one is a son of God gives one the strength to follow the Saviour’s footsteps from Bethlehem to Calvary. That which will eventually reorganise our human life is the presence in the world of those who know Christ as their example, and recognise that they possess the same divine life, just as the affirmation of the basic law of the kingdom of God, the Law of Love, will finally save the world. It is the substitution of the life of Christ for the life of the world, the flesh and the devil, which will inject a meaning and a value into life. 

  It is thus that Christ embodied in Himself the greatest of the cosmic principles. This Law of Love can be seen functioning in the universe as the Law of Attraction, with all that is involved in that term—coherency, integration, position, direction and the rhythmic running of our solar system; it can be seen also in the disposition of God towards humanity, as revealed to us through Christ. This unique function of Christ as the custodian and the revealer of a cosmic principle or energy lies behind all He did; it was the basis and the result of His achieved perfection; it was the incentive and impulsion to His life of service, and it is the principle upon which the kingdom of God is founded. 

  b. The United Nations need to learn to apply the Law of Love as enunciated in the life of Christ and to express the truth that “no man liveth unto himself” and no nation either, and that the goal of all human effort is loving understanding, prompted by a programme of love for the whole. If the lives and teachings of these two great Avatars can be comprehended and wrought out anew in the lives of men today, in the world of human affairs, in the realm of human thinking and in the arena of daily living, the present world order (which is today largely disorder) can be so modified and changed that a new world and a new race of men can gradually come into being. 

  It has eventuated in a somewhat narrow conception of Deity; these Commandments are didactic and present the negative angle. Then Christ came and gave to us the fundamental law of the universe, the law of love; He also gave us the Lord’s Prayer with its emphasis upon the Fatherhood of God, the coming of the Kingdom and right human relations. Now the Great Invocation, as used by the Hierarchy itself, has been given out to the world. 

  f. The Law of Love. g. 

  Who shall say (until at least a century has gone by) whether their influence and their efforts have been good or bad. Where they flagrantly infringe the Law of Love, their influence may be powerful, but it is passing and undesirable, at least where that phase of their activities is concerned. Where they meet human emergency and need, and work along lines of basic restoration and the preservation of “units of synthesis,” their influence is good and constructive. 

  If England’s ideal of justice (which is the pattern of its personality ray) can be transformed by her soul ray of love into just and intelligent world service, then she will give to the world the pattern of that true government which is the genius of the soul quality of the British. If the idealism of the United States of America can be illumined by the law of love and not by personality self-expression, then the pattern which underlies the structure of the States may be seen in lines of light and we shall look for future racial light instead of the many separative national lines. At present it is the personality ray of the United States which controls. 

  One group, under the divine plan, works with the form aspect entirely, and in this group the light of love and of selflessness is absent. The other group is working entirely with the soul or the consciousness aspect, and in this group the doctrine of the heart and the law of love control. In this connection, the two groups are working in opposition, therefore, upon the mental plane. 

  The expression of this divine characteristic can be summed up in the words from The Voice of the Silence: “Compassion is no attribute. It is the Law of Laws—eternal Harmony, Alaya’s Self; a shoreless, universal essence, the light of everlasting right and fitness of things, the law of love eternal. ” To this everlasting Compassion the cyclic appearance of the Sun Gods of the ancient myths, the World Saviours and the Avatars bear witness and are the guarantee. 

  b. The United Nations need to learn to apply the Law of Love as enunciated in the life of Christ and to express the truth that “no man liveth unto himself” and no nation either, and that the goal of all human effort is loving understanding, prompted by a programme of love for the whole. If the lives and teachings of these two great Avatars can be comprehended and wrought out anew in the lives of men today, in the world of human affairs, in the realm of human thinking and in the arena of daily living, the present world order (which is today largely disorder) can be so modified and changed that a new world and a new race of men can gradually come into being. 

  I have stated also that we are reaching a climaxing period in human history; in this period the Lords of Karma are unusually active; the Law of Cause and Effect is bringing the results of past activities, the subjective thinking and the secret impulses to the surface, and exacting penalty and the planned cleaning of the slate of human history. When He Whom all disciples serve was on Earth two thousand years ago, He said that secret things would be made plain; by this emergence of the good and of the bad into prominence, men will arrive at knowledge, at understanding, and will be forced to take those steps which will be needed to build a new and better world, based on the Law of Love and not on the Law of Separateness and hate. This is what is happening today. 

  There is another aspect of this matter to which I would like to call your attention. These restrictions which the Forces of Light recognise have also an undesirable effect where the unintelligent and well-meaning are concerned, and where those who are emotionally polarised interpret the Law of Love. The United Nations, working for human liberation and freedom (and therefore working under the Law of Love, rightly understood) is prevented from following the lines of indiscriminate cruelty which characterised the German and Japanese techniques: torture, starvation, lying propaganda, misuse of prisoners, the dissemination of a terror campaign. 

  These restrictions which the Forces of Light recognise have also an undesirable effect where the unintelligent and well-meaning are concerned, and where those who are emotionally polarised interpret the Law of Love. The United Nations, working for human liberation and freedom (and therefore working under the Law of Love, rightly understood) is prevented from following the lines of indiscriminate cruelty which characterised the German and Japanese techniques: torture, starvation, lying propaganda, misuse of prisoners, the dissemination of a terror campaign. These are not permitted by the rules of the Brothers of Humanity. 

  The disciple, therefore, can always include that which emanates from those who are below him on the ladder of evolution. The more a disciple is under the influence of the Law of Love, the more easily does he tune in and absorb the thoughts and register the desires of those around him, and particularly of those who are tied to him in the bonds of affection and of karmic relation. As disciples proceed from initiation to initiation, the will aspect fortifies the intellect and directs the expression of the energy of love, and thus the problem lessens, for the initiate learns certain protective rules which are not available to the neophyte. 

  Guard yourselves strenuously against this and say nothing which could inflame hate and suspicion in connection with any race, any person, any group or any leaders of groups and nations. You will have to guard yourselves with care, so that even in defense of that which you may personally or nationally approve you do not find yourselves full of hate and breaking the law of love—the only law which can truly save the world. Perhaps the key to your success along this line will be the silence of a loving heart. 

  Thus is the return to group consciousness brought about and thus is karma generated or offset. Thus, also, is the swing of the pendulum between these pairs of opposites gradually adjusted until the point of equilibrium is reached, and man acts rightly because the law of love or of the soul, directs from above, and not because either good or bad desire attract him on either hand. 3. 

  In this connection, it might be said that some nations need to grasp the teaching of the Buddha which He enunciated in the Four Noble Truths; they must be brought to the realisation that the cause of all sorrow and woe is the misuse of desire—desire for that which is material and transitory. The United Nations need to learn to apply the Law of Love as enunciated in the life of Christ and to express the vitality of the truth that “no man liveth unto himself” (Rom. XIV. 

You are welcome to post your comments and understanding of this law. 

Also see:

The Laws of Alice A. Bailey

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