Below are all of the known references to the Law of Healing in the writings of Alice A. Bailey (AAB) and Djwhal Khul (DK). Links on these pages of the Laws of Alice A. Bailey are to the online books at the Lucis Trust website.
For a discussion of what AAB means by a “law” please see Alice A. Bailey – What is a Law?
Tenth Law of Healing
I would like now to lay down certain postulates which we shall need to consider in our study of Part Three where we take up the Fundamental Laws of Healing.
Esoteric Healing , CHAPTER VI – The Art of Elimination
There is naught but energy, for God is Life. Two energies meet in man, but other five are present. For each is to be found a central Point of contact. The conflict of these energies with forces and of forces twixt themselves produce the bodily ills of man. The conflict of the first and second persists for ages until the mountain top is reached—the first great mountain top. The fight between the forces produces all disease, all ills and bodily pain which seeks release in death. The two, the five and thus the seven, plus that which they produce, possess the secret. This is the fifth Law of Healing within the world of form.
Esoteric Healing , CHAPTER VIII – The Laws and Rules Enumerated and Applied – Part 1
There is naught but energy, for God is Life. Two energies meet in man, but other five are present. For each is to be found a central point of contact. The conflict of these energies with forces and of forces twixt themselves produce the bodily ills of man. The conflict of the first and second persists for ages until the mountaintop is reached—the first great mountain top. The fight between the forces produces all disease, all ills and bodily pain which seek release in death. The two, the five and thus the seven, plus that which they produce, possess the secret. The two, the five and thus the seven, plus that which they produce, possess the secret. This is the fifth law of healing within the world of form.
Esoteric Healing , CHAPTER VIII – The Laws and Rules Enumerated and Applied – Part 2
7. This is the fifth Law of Healing within the world of form.
This fifth law is primarily concerned with the fifth principle of mind or manas; it is this principle which makes a human being what he is; it is this principle which makes him a prisoner within the form and upon the planet, and thus makes him vulnerable and open to attacks upon the form aspect; these constitute part of the agelong action of evil versus good. It is this fifth principle, when controlled and used by the Son of Mind, Who is a Son of God, which will enable the spiritual man to free himself from form of every kind, and therefore from disease and death.
Esoteric Healing , CHAPTER VIII – The Laws and Rules Enumerated and Applied – Part 3
The two, the five, and thus the seven, plus that which they produce, possess the secret. This is the fifth Law of Healing within the world of form.
This Law can be resolved into certain basic statements which can be tabulated as follows:
1. We live in a world of energies and are a constituent part of them ourselves.
2. The physical vehicle is a fusion of two energies and seven forces.
3. The first energy is that of the soul, the ray energy. It is the producer of conflict as the soul energy seeks to control the forces.
Esoteric Healing , CHAPTER I – The Psychological Causes of Disease – Part 5
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