By today’s standards Alice A. Bailey (AAB) and Djwhal Khul (DK) appear to have had very backward views on homosexuality – views you would expect more in the 1940s than the 21st century. You will see these views in both the writings solely attributed to AAB (The Unfinished Autobiography) and those attributed to DK (Esoteric Healing and Esoteric Astrology).
To be perfectly clear, I am not advocating these ideas as concretely expressed. I believe in presenting the evidence and letting you, the reader, reach your own conclusions as to whether these writings represent “ancient wisdom” or “ancient prejudices.” Some will see what is on the surface and some will look deeper.
Personally I lean more towards the interpretation of author and longtime AAB/DK student Joseph J. Dewey who has some interesting takes on this subject in the AAB/DK writings – see his quotes below (and follow the links for a fuller exposition):
“While society focuses on the disadvantage of the gays few realize that for every disadvantage there is an advantage. In the case of the gay, he is closer to the zero point in energy than the heterosexual. If he thus learns the right use of sex energy he will find consistent soul contact easier than the hetro who is distracted by the attraction of opposites. Of course, the powers of the soul are available to both sides of the equation. Both sides have their own peculiar problems in attaining them.” -Joseph J. Dewey, DK on Gays
“If the child was a different sex in the past life then the person will often be homosexual in the current life.” -Joseph J. Dewey, Keys Writings 2015, Part 11
“That said, you may ask if I agree with the teachings of DK on homosexuality. The answer is this. I agree with the underlying principles behind his words, but if I were to teach those same principles I would write them much differently, and some I have already written.”
“Several things he teaches do need some clarification. He calls homosexuality a perversion. This is indeed inflammatory language in our day and it also gives a wrong impression. The truth of the matter is there is perversion among both homosexuals and heterosexuals. Homosexual orientation is a natural occurrence caused by a shift in male/female energy which occurs as we move from live to life. Christian fundamentalists are wrong when they say it is a choice. Once a person is born in a certain energy flow, no choice can change it. He can only choose what he will do with the energy which is in circulation in his life.”
“Wrong use of the sexual energy, whether one be straight or gay, is where the “perversion” comes in. Perversion is a strong word in this age. It is better to say that wrong use of energy is merely a mistake that leads to less than a fullness of soul energy.” -Joseph J. Dewey, Gay Thoughts
It is also possible that God, the Hierarchy, Ascended Masters, or whatever you believe in, speaks to humanity at any given time in a way and vernacular that people of that time can understand and relate to. If a real DK exists and were to speak to us today he would probably use very different language attuned to how we understand the universe (which is vastly different than how people in the West understood these things in the first half of the 20th century when AAB was writing).
Here are the quotes from the writings of Alice A. Bailey. Judge for yourself.
The teaching of wrong sexual habits, the example of widespread prostitution (I use this word in connection with men as well as women), the growth of homosexuality (not in its rare physiological forms and predispositions but from the angle of a perverted mentality and an unwholesome imagination, which today lie behind so much of its expression), the narrow-minded Christian inheritance of a “guilt complex” where sex is concerned, and the heritage of diseased and over-or under-sexed physical bodies, have brought the race to its present chaotic and unintelligent handling of the important problem.
Esoteric Astrology , 3. Spiritual Effects of the Zodiacal Constellations. – Part 7
c. To the development of homosexual habits or to those perversions which warp the life of many intelligent people.
Esoteric Healing , CHAPTER VIII – The Laws and Rules Enumerated and Applied – Part 2
One of the major problems today to the psychologist and in a lesser degree to the medical man, is the growth of homosexuality, both female and male. Specious arguments are brought forth in order to prove that this abnormal development (and the consequent interest in this morbid tendency) is due to the fact that the race is slowly becoming androgynous in its development, and that the future hermaphroditic man or woman is gradually making its appearance. This, again, is not true. Homosexuality is what you call a “left-over” from the sexual excesses of Lemurian times, an inherited taint, if you like. Egos who individualised and incarnated in that vast period of time are the ones who today demonstrate homosexual tendencies. In those days, so urgent was the sexual appetite, the normal processes of human intercourse did not satisfy the insatiable desire of the advanced man of the period. Soul force, flowing in through the processes of individualisation, served to stimulate the lowest centres. Hence, forbidden methods were practised. Those who thus practised them are today, in great numbers, in incarnation, and the ancient habits are too strong for them. They are now far enough advanced upon the evolutionary path so that the cure lies ready at this time—if they choose to employ it. They can, with relative ease, transfer the sex impulse to the throat centre, and thus become creative in the higher sense, employing the energy [63] sensed and circulating in right and constructive ways. Many of them are beginning automatically to do this. However, it is well known that, among the so-called artistic types, homosexuality is very prevalent. I say “so-called” for the truly creative artist is not the victim of these ancient evil predisposing habits.
Esoteric Healing , CHAPTER I – The Psychological Causes of Disease – Part 3
It might be pointed out here that homosexuality is of three kinds:
1. That which is the result of ancient evil habits. This is the major cause today and indicates:
a. Individualisation upon this planet; for those who individualised upon the moon chain are not susceptible to these dangerous characteristics.
b. A relatively advanced stage upon the evolutionary path which was achieved by the Lemurian egos who succumbed to this desire-satisfaction.
c. A consequent study of sex magic, plus a constant insatiable physical and sexual urge.
2. Imitative homosexuality. A number of persons of all classes imitated their betters (if I might use so paradoxical a term) and so developed evil habits in sexual intercourse from which they might otherwise have remained free. This is one of the prevalent reasons today, among many men and women, and is based upon a too active imagination, plus a powerful physical or sex nature, and a prurient curiosity. This I say with advisement. This category accounts for many of our Sodomites and Lesbians.
3. A few rare, very rare, cases of hermaphroditism. These people, combining in themselves both aspects of the sex life, are faced with a very real problem. It is a problem which is greatly increased by human ignorance, human refusal to face facts, wrong early training and teaching, and a widespread misunderstanding. These cases are to be found in small numbers everywhere, even though their numbers, in relation to the world population, is still negligible. But that they exist is of real interest to the medical profession and a subject of deep pity and commiseration to the humanitarian and the understanding psychologist. They face a difficult situation.
Esoteric Healing , CHAPTER I – The Psychological Causes of Disease – Part 3
A formulated desire is one that finds expression in some form of activity. Of these homosexuality is one of the clearest to define. The other diseases to which humanity is heir are sometimes not so easy to clarify and define.
Esoteric Healing , CHAPTER I – The Psychological Causes of Disease – Part 3
In all the above, even in connection with what I have said concerning homosexuality, I have considered either rampant or inhibited desire, but I have only considered it in general terms and in a broad outline. Will you misunderstand if I point out to you that where desire is inhibited (which is the case with many aspirants today) all kinds of diseases—cancer, congestion of the lungs and certain liver complaints—become possible, as well as the dread malady of tuberculosis?
Esoteric Healing , CHAPTER I – The Psychological Causes of Disease – Part 3
Our young people, especially the idealistic types and the clear-thinking boys and girls, find themselves faced with a situation which defies their best efforts. They do not know what to think or what to believe. They look into, or form part of, homes which are sanctified by legal marriage, and find (on a large scale) nothing but unhappiness, legalised prostitution, ill-health, the seeking of illicit relations outside the home, neglected and unwanted children, the friction produced by wrong mating, divorce, and no answer to their many intelligent questions. They look then elsewhere, into the lives of those who have avoided the responsibility of marriage, and find naught but discontent, frequently a secret and hidden sex life, ill-health as a result of the frustration of the natural instincts, psychological conditions of the worst kind, sometimes illegitimate children, sexual perversions, and a growing tendency towards what is called homosexuality. They are overwhelmed by complete bewilderment and the failure to find an answer to their questions.
Esoteric Psychology – Volume I , 3. The Animal Kingdom – Part 2
Cosmically speaking, sex is a short word used to express the relation existing (during manifestation) between spirit and matter, and between life and form. It is, in the last analysis, an expression of the Law of Attraction,—that basic law which underlies the entire manifestation of life in form, and which is the cause of all phenomenal appearance. Humanly or physically speaking, sex is the word used to denote the relation between men and women which results in the reproduction of the species. Speaking in terms of modern usage as it is found among the unthinking and the average, sex is a word which denotes the alluring satisfaction of the animal impulses at any cost and with no rhythmic regulation. Sex is essentially an expression of duality, and of the separation of a unity into two aspects or halves. These we can call spirit and matter, male and female, positive and negative; and they are in the nature of a stage upon the evolutionary ladder towards a final unity or homo-sexuality which has no relation to that perversion which is, today and inaccurately, called “homosexuality“.
Esoteric Psychology – Volume I , 3. The Animal Kingdom – Part 2
Frequently in the case of a male mystic there will be over developed sexual expression on the physical plane, perversions of different kinds or a pronounced homosexuality.
Esoteric Psychology – Volume II , 4. Diseases and Problems of Disciples and Mystics – Part 1
I would like to have the sex problem approached by the physician as he talks to the boys and girls as they are brought to him from the angle of parenthood, from the point of view of the dangers of promiscuity plus a warning as to homosexuality , which is one of the greatest menaces confronting the boys and girls today.
The Unfinished Autobiography , CHAPTER V – Part 2
As soon as I found the kind of place it was, and that in spite of all its beauty there lurked much evil, I simply sat down and told the girls all about it. I was determined that they should not be so innocent that they would get into danger and I pointed out the types of people on the roads who were plainly the undesirable kind. I did not dress up the information in beautiful language. I told them baldly and straight just what it was all about, including its degeneracy and its homosexuality, so that they passed unscathed through a great deal which might have damaged them.
The Unfinished Autobiography , CHAPTER VI – Part 1
You are welcome to post your comments and understanding of how AAB and DK understood homosexuality.
Also see:
Alice A. Bailey on Krishnamurti
Alice A. Bailey on Brotherhood
The Antichrist of Alice A. Bailey
Alice A. Bailey, The Mark of the Beast, And 666
Alice A. Bailey on Homosexuality