Alice A. Bailey on Atomic Energy

Alice A. Bailey  (and DK) appear to have had a very positive view on the possibilities of humanity using atomic energy for good. Joseph J. Dewey , author and longtime student of the AAB/DK writings, pointed out that:

“In A Treatise on Cosmic Fire Page 907 (Published 1925) he [Djwhal Khul] predicted the discovery of atomic energy and then after the first atomic bomb went off he stated that this was a source of power that will eventually liberate humanity.” -Joseph J. Dewey, Djwhal Khul Predictions

You can find the specific quote below starting with “On the physical plane, the great scientific discovery, …”

Also see:

“From these writings it is obvious that the Hierarchy was hopeful that humankind would perfect atomic technology, yet despite this it is interesting that many who see themselves as enlightened are totally against this, the safest and most environmentally friendly source of energy in the free world. -Joseph J. Dewey, The Nuclear Solution

Below are all of the places I could find that mention “atomic energy” in the AAB/DK writings.

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Alice A. Bailey on the Moon Chain

There is this concept of a “moon chain” in the writing of Alice A. Bailey that I think is fairly unique to her writings (or of Djwhal Khul). Apparently a “moon chain” is “the cycle of evolution preceding ours” (see very last quote below).

Joseph J. Dewey, author and longtime student of the AAB writings, has an interesting comment on this:

Technically all of us are aliens. None of us originated here on planet Earth. Each one of us are immortal beings and came from an eternal source where all that exists is an eternal present. We have passed in and out of many systems of creation but as far as the system of creation goes most of the people here are native to planet Earth or the Moon Chain. -Joseph J. Dewey, Questions

Quotes below for “moon chain” in the AAB writings:

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Alice A. Bailey on the Atomic Bomb

Not every modern student of Alice A. Bailey’s writings may be aware of what she said about the atomic bomb (still a very new thing at that time). I think she had some positive views on both the atomic bomb and atomic energy – she wrote “the wise, controlled use of the results of this scientific adventure…” The “scientific adventure” of course was the discovery of both uses of the atom, one destructive and one constructive (electrical power for example).

I will do a post later on her specific writings on atomic energy that may not be included here. As to the bomb she (or DK) envisioned it coming under the control of the United Nations to be used to deter aggression. Of course we know that never happened.

Author and long-time student of the AAB writings Joseph J. Dewey found a unique correspondence in the exploding of the first atomic bombs seeing it as the  The Sign of the Son of Man quoting this verse from the New Testament:

“Immediately after the tribulation of those days shall the sun be darkened (or “obscure”) , and the moon shall not give her light, and the stars shall fall from heaven, and the powers of the heavens shall be shaken.” (Matthew 24:29)

He writes:

The key to the meaning of the verse is in the Greek word for “heaven” which is OURANOS. The element Uranium was named after this. For proof one merely has to check any good dictionary and it will trace Uranium to OURANOS.


The splitting of the atom and the releasing of the pure energy of Spirit is a perfect correspondence to the resurrection of Christ. The life force of the atom was released to enter the way of higher evolution just as the tomb of the Christ burst opened and released the Son of God. The splitting of the tomb of material matter is the one sure sign that the Son of man is the Son of God, and the knowledge given to man to split the tomb of the atom is the greatest scientific revelation given to man to date. It is a sign that we are not far from overcoming death as Christ did.

Joseph J. Dewey, The Sign of the Son of Man, The Gathering of Lights (available on Amazon for Kindle)

Below are quotes from the writings of AAB:

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